So this last weekend was stake conference. The theme for all stake conferences around the world is "Hastening the Work of Salvation" so that meant the sister missionaries that cover part of the stake, and my companion and myself had the opportunity to speak in stake conference. This meant speaking to over 2000 people. Talk about freaky. But it actually turned out really well. When I got up to speak peace came to me and my fears were gone. This was cool because I was speaking on overcoming our fears of sharing the gospel and how we can keep from having our tongues bound. It was amazing to be able to uplift every member of the stake and encourage them to be a part of missionary work.
Other than that we are working with 2 people for baptism. One already has a date for the 8th but the other does not have a date yet. He wants to be baptized. Its just his mom that has been the biggest setback. She will not even give him the time of day to talk about it. He is a good kid and knows the gospel is true. He wants to do Baptisms for the dead and he wants to serve a mission. He is 12 years old. I am sure that he is at least one that I was meant to meet on my mission. He has strengthened me and has given me a new found sense of hope. I am positive that he will be baptized we just don't know when. I am going to make sure that I can keep in touch with him.
I cant wait to be able to spend time with the kids. They sound like a blast and I got a few things that I want to show them. I don't blame Layla, I love Ponyo and I wouldn't want to have to miss it. Tell her I said a sleep over sounds fun.
Sooooo 9 days left! I am super excited to see you but I am not letting it distract me from the work. Well maybe a little but not much lol.
I'm not sure what else to write so I will give you another challenge. In 1Nephi 2:16, Nephi describes him self as: And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature. Then in 1Nephi 4:31 he then later describes him self as: And now I, Nephi, being a man large in stature.
So here is the challenge what happened between those two events that caused him to change his opinion of himself? Why did he switch from thinking of him self as YOUNG and then to being a MAN?
Ok there you go I have given you my challenge. I love you so much. See you soon.
Jonathon Felton
Idaho Falls Temple |